AWS DynamoDB document client.
Name | Description |
parameters.tableName string
Table name. |
parameters.hashKey string
Table hash key. |
parameters.rangeKey string?
Table range key. |
parameters.translateConfig Object
(default defaultTranslateConfig )
Translate config. |
parameters.createAwsDynamoDBDocumentClient function
(default DynamoDBDocumentClient.from )
Factory to create a DynamoDBDocumentClient. |
parameters.name string
(default dynamodb-document )
Client name. |
parameters.reqId string
(default <uuid> )
Request id. |
parameters.log Object
(default <logger> )
Pino compatible logger. |
parameters.AwsDynamoDBClient Constructor
(default DynamoDBClient )
Constructor for a DynamoDBClient from the AWS SDK. |
parameters.params Object
(default {} )
Additional params to pass to the AwsDynamoDBClient constructor. |
Get an item from the DynamoDB table.
Item hash and range key.
= {}
Additional params to pass to the GetCommand.
Promise<[Object, Object]>
Tuple of the item
and other response properties normalized to camel case.
Put an item into the DynamoDB table.
Response normalized to camel case.
Update an item from the DynamoDB table.
Item hash and range key.
= {}
Additional params to pass to the UpdateCommand.
Response normalized to camel case.
Delete an item from the DynamoDB table.
Item hash and range key.
= {}
Additional params to pass to the DeleteCommand.
Response normalized to camel case.
Get items from one or more DynamoDB tables using a transaction.
= {}
Additional params to pass to the TransactGetCommand.
Promise<[Array<Object>, Array<Object>]>
Tuple of the array of transaction-ordered items
and array of transaction-ordered metrics normalized to camel case.
AWS DynamoDB missing key error.
Extends Error
The type of key that is missing: hashKey or rangeKey.
The corresponding key name for this table.
AWS EventBridge client.
Name | Description |
parameters.eventBusName string
Event bus name. |
parameters.name string
(default eventbridge )
Client name. |
parameters.reqId string
(default <uuid> )
Request id. |
parameters.log Object
(default <logger> )
Pino compatible logger. |
parameters.AwsEventBridgeClient Constructor
(default EventBridgeClient )
Constructor for an EventBridgeClient from the AWS SDK. |
parameters.params Object
(default {} )
Additional params to pass to the AwsEventBridgeClient constructor. |
Send events to the EventBridge Event Bus.
= []
Additional params to pass to the PutEventsCommand.
Response normalized to camel case.
AWS EventBridge failed entries error.
Extends Error
AWS Lambda client.
Name | Description |
parameters.functionName string
Lambda function name. |
parameters.name string
(default lambda )
Client name. |
parameters.reqId string
(default <uuid> )
Request id. |
parameters.log Object
(default <logger> )
Pino compatible logger. |
parameters.AwsLambdaClient Constructor
(default LambdaClient )
Constructor for a LambdaClient from the AWS SDK. |
parameters.params Object
(default {} )
Additional params to pass to the AwsLambdaClient constructor. |
Invoke the Lambda function with a JSON payload.
JSON serializable request payload.
= {}
Additional params to pass to the InvokeCommand.
Lambda function response payload parsed as JSON.
AWS Lambda function error.
Extends Error
: Lambda function response payload parsed as JSON.
AWS Lambda status code error.
Extends Error
: Status code from invoking the Lambda function.
AWS S3 client.
Name | Description |
parameters.bucket string
Bucket name. |
parameters.name string
(default s3 )
Client name. |
parameters.reqId string
(default <uuid> )
Request id. |
parameters.log Object
(default <logger> )
Pino compatible logger. |
parameters.AwsS3Client Constructor
(default S3Client )
Constructor for an S3Client from the AWS SDK. |
parameters.params Object
(default {} )
Additional params to pass to the AwsS3Client constructor. |
Put a JSON serializable object to the S3 bucket. If a gzip Content-Encoding is set, automatically compress.
S3 object key.
JSON serializable S3 object body.
= {}
Additional params to pass to the PutObjectCommand.
Response normalized to camel case.
AWS SchedulerClient client.
Name | Description |
parameters.groupName string
(default default )
Schedule group name. |
parameters.name string
(default scheduler )
Client name. |
parameters.reqId string
(default <uuid> )
Request id. |
parameters.log Object
(default <logger> )
Pino compatible logger. |
parameters.AwsSdkSchedulerClient Constructor
(default SchedulerClient )
Constructor for a SchedulerClient from the AWS SDK. |
parameters.params Object
(default {} )
Additional params to pass to the AwsSdkSchedulerClient constructor. |
AWS SQS client.
Name | Description |
parameters.queueUrl string
Queue URL. |
parameters.name string
(default sqs )
Client name. |
parameters.reqId string
(default <uuid> )
Request id. |
parameters.log Object
(default <logger> )
Pino compatible logger. |
parameters.AwsSQSClient Constructor
(default SQSClient )
Constructor for an SQSClient from the AWS SDK. |
parameters.params Object
(default {} )
Additional params to pass to the AwsSQSClient constructor. |