Enum of event types.
Type: Symbol
Read a JSON file. Takes a variable number of arguments with will be joined using path.join to a single file path.
The path.
The parsed event.
Create a handler factory for EventBridge events. Handles EventBridge rule events and redriven events from SQS. See the README for an explanation of how to use the returned handler factory.
Overrides passed to createHandler.
The handler factory.
Create a basic event handler factory. See the README for an explanation of how to use the returned handler factory.
Name | Description |
parameters.parser string
(default identityParser )
Event parser. |
parameters.serializer string
(default identitySerializer )
Payload serializer. |
parameters.createProcessor string
(default createNullProcessor )
Processor factory. |
parameters.createWrapper string
(default createInvokeWrapper )
Wrapper factory. |
parameters.createStrategy string
(default createEventStrategy )
Strategy factory. |
parameters.registerDependencies string
(default registerEmptyDependencies )
Called to register dependencies. |
The handler factory.
Create a handler factory for invocation events. See the README for an explanation of how to use the returned handler factory.
Overrides passed to createHandler.
The handler factory.
Create a handler factory for SQS events.
Overrides passed to createHandler.
The handler factory.
Create a handler factory for SQS events with JSON body. See the README for an explanation of how to use the returned handler factory.
Overrides passed to createHandler.
The handler factory.
Security HTTP headers.
Type: Object
API Gateway Proxy event parser.
The event.
The parsed event.
Includes searchParams as an instance of URLSearchParams.
API Gateway Proxy JSON event parser.
The event.
The parsed event with the body parsed as JSON.
Includes searchParams as an instance of URLSearchParams.
Parser for EventBridge events. Parses EventBridge rule events and redriven events from SQS.
The event.
The parsed events.
Identity function.
The event.
The parsed event.
Records parser.
The event.
The records from the parsed event.
SQS event parser.
The event.
The messages from the parsed event.
Both attributes and messageAttributes are parsed into plain objects
with proper types.
SQS JSON event parser.
The event.
The messages from the parsed event with the body parsed as JSON.
Both attributes and messageAttributes are parsed into plain objects
with proper types.
API Gateway Proxy event serializer.
The data.
The serialized data.
API Gateway Proxy JSON event serializer.
The data.
The serialized data with the body serialized to JSON.
Identity function.
The data.
The serialized data.
Create an event strategy. Resolves and calls the processor for the event. Resolves and calls onError on an event error.
The Awilix container.
The strategy.
Create an HTTP strategy. Resolves and calls the processor for the event. Swallows all errors, wraps them as a Boom object, resolves and calls onError on the wrapped error, and returns a matching status code response.
The Awilix container.
The strategy.
Create a parallel strategy for an array of events. Resolves and calls the processor for each event element. Resolves and calls onError on each element error.
The Awilix container.
The strategy.
Create an invoke wrapper.
The parent logger.
The strategy.
The parser.
The serializer.
The wrapper.
Create a record wrapper.
The wrapper.